Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. If all the presents are open and you're looking for something to do this Christmas, why not go see Casanova?

The New York Times says, "Imagine my surprise, then, when 'Casanova' turned out to be not a bewigged and brocaded white elephant, but rather a lively, sly and altogether charming farce. Dispensing with the suffocating conventions of the historical biopic, Mr. Hallstrom and the screenwriters, Jeffrey Hatcher and Kimberly Simi (assisted, it has been reported, by an uncredited Tom Stoppard), make liberal and intelligent use of the literary styles and attitudes of the 18th century, when their story takes place. While it takes a few cues from Casanova's notoriously untrustworthy memoirs, 'Casanova' seems more directly inspired by the lighthearted, madcap comedies of near contemporaries like Pierre Marivaux and Casanova's fellow Venetian, Carlo Goldoni."

To read the commplete review, go to

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