Four more days till I leave for Venice! How excited do you think I am.... If you say VERY, you'd be close. One thing I'm looking forward to: eating at Ristoranti Riviera. IMHO it's the BEST restaurant in Venice. A nice mix of traditional and new, Riviera has never, ever disappointed me. And, Luca and Pietro Fra Diavolo (my name for the red-headed waiter) are a unique mixture of crazy sense of humor and desire to give every diner a fantastic meal. For those of you in need of a place to stay, Riveria has a fantastic B&B above the restaurant. I think the aromas from the kitchen would drive me insane....
I rook this photo in April 2007. It's the view from Riviera's terrace. As you can see, we're waiting for the main course!
1 comment:
Thanks for an interesting Blog and for sharing some great pics! Am looking forward to your future posts...
Best from Cape Town,
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