Tuesday, March 15, 2005

One of My Favorite Stories...

This is from the Januray 24, 2005 edition of "Buongiorno Venezia," a great email newsletter about Venice doings. And this is one of my favorites of the new year....

"To understand the uniqueness of a town such as Venice, perhaps this titbit can help explain it better than many other examples. For a week now, the island of Burano, famous for its lace and coloured houses, has been without newspapers because the owner of the island's only newsstand is on holiday. Literally overnight, the 6,000 inhabitants of the island were deprived of their printed reports on the news of the day. For the desperate among them, they can purchase a paper on the nearby island of Murano -- a journey that takes an hour there and back -- or find someone with Internet access so they can visit the website of their favourite 'giornali'."

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