Monday, February 18, 2013

Bridge Cafe in NYC needs your help

Every so often, events outside of Venice demand our attention. Back in the day when we were all still innocent, the Bridge Cafe in NYC was the site of many a happy lunch, drinks or dinner. Many, many fond memories. Now, the Bridge Cafe needs our help. This is from their website:
Bridge Café is the oldest continuously serving bar & restaurant in NYC, since 1794.  On October 29, 2012 Sandy put us under, literally! Three feet of water in the dining room, four feet in the kitchen, and our basement was filled to the top. The building, New York City’s oldest commercial wood frame, needs 85% of its wood support in the basement replaced; in addition all of our mechanicals were destroyed. We are in need of new ovens, stoves, all refrigeration, and all electric, new floors in dining room and in the kitchen. Unfortunately, we are located in flood zone A, no insurance!

There are very fair loans, but more over-head will truly put us in danger of a permanent close. All of this work will cost about three hundred to four hundred thousand dollars.

Please contribute to help save this landmark restaurant that never disappointed. (The photo is from the Bridge Cafe website)

View AvventureBellissime tours before you sign up

Over the years, I have taken many a delightful tour with AvventureBellissime. Each one has introduced me to a part of Venice that I might never have discovered on my own. Recently they have updated their website and added a great feature. You can go to their YouTube channel ( and see a brief video of their tours. A great way to spend a day when you're dreaming about being in Venice!

This photo is from a private Venice Secret Gardens walking tour. Highly recommended!