Yes, I know I'm repeating a picture, but it's my blog so I'm going to do what I want. I'm repeating the photo because I'm following up on earlier postings about cruise ships and Venice, with a little Moses update thrown in. This comes from http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2100-1814892,00.html, the website of the U.K.'s Times and Sunday Times:
"The Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has approved construction of a $2.9 billion underwater dam to keep Venice above water. The Moses project comprises 78 barriers attached to the sea bed, which will prevent the annual inundation of St Mark's Square. World Wildlife Fund Italy agreed with Venice's mayor, Massimo Cacciari, that banning cruise liners and cargo vessels from the lagoon would be a cheaper and more effective means of controlling sea levels."